Recording here as much as anything for my further reference an example by Viossat (2008), who credits it to Eilon Solan, who adapted it from Flesch et al (1997):
W |
| L | R |
T | 1,1,1 | 0,1,1 |
B | 1,1,0 | 1,0,1 |
| |
E |
| L | R |
T | 1,0,1-x | 1,1,0 |
B | 0,1,1 | 0,0,0 |
I have not verified this for myself, but allegedly (for x≥0)
- If x=0, TLW is the only Nash equilibrium; it is not quasi-strict.
- Any strategy profile in which players 2 and 3 play L and W and and player 1 plays T with probability of at least 1/(1+x) is a Nash equilibrium.
For x=0, aside from action profile TLW, player 1 gets payoff 0 for matching player 3 and 1 otherwise; similarly 2 wants not to match 1 and 3 wants not to match 2.
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